Psychic Blog

Are You Tired Of Always Feeling Like The Victim In Your Relationships?

Posted on May 28, 2017 by Psychic Ruby

are you tired of always feeling like the victim in your relationship?

It’s a common pattern in many people’s lives, and perhaps in yours as well.  Do you always feel like you are the victim in your relationships?

Is it possible that you’ve fallen into a lifestyle of allowing yourself to be a scapegoat for others, while simultaneously blaming them and feeling like all of the things that happen to you are their fault?

Your boss isn’t fair.

Your partner takes you for granted.

Your friends exclude you.

Your mother “makes “ you mad.

What if none of that were true?

What if you have more control over your circumstances than you are giving yourself credit for?

Often, those who feel like victims over and over in the course of relationships, both romantic and otherwise, are in that position because of a serious lack of self-awareness and self-esteem and a series of experiences and choices that got them there.

If you are tired of feeling like a victim in your relationships, it may be time to take a break from focusing on others and turn inward for some serious focus on yourself.

Do you value yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you think that you are worthy of the love, affection, appreciation and respect of others?

Or is there some part of you that questions your own value and doesn’t really believe that you are good enough or that you really belong in the life you have?

These types of issues are commonly at the core of why people find themselves feeling like a victim repeated in their relationships. We so often attract and tolerate what we feel we deserve, usually without even realizing that that is what is happening at the time.

Wounds are inflicted on all of us in this life, from childhood on. How well we are able to heal from them can affect many aspects of our lives, including our relationships with others and whether we will allow ourselves to play the role of the victim within them.

If you are tired of feeling like the victim in your relationships, you need to believe that you are worth enough to invest time in, and then take that time and invest it in yourself. Stop finding the external reasons for your feelings of inadequacy. Get to know yourself again. Begin to appreciate yourself by identifying and focusing on things that you enjoy, taking on creative endeavors and experiences, and learning what you are already good at and what skills you need to improve upon.

Get to know yourself again. Begin to appreciate yourself by identifying and focusing on things that you enjoy, taking on creative endeavors and experiences, and learning what you are already good at and what skills you need to improve upon.

Take the time to acknowledge old wounds and the impact that they’ve had on you.  Appreciate the lessons from the past, mourn the losses they have provided, and put any remaining pain behind you.

Recognize that those who have hurt you have also taught you, and move toward the future with the knowledge of all that you have already overcome. Most of all, choose wisely going forward.  Find closure from past relationships and mending what has not been healed internally.

If your feeling like a victim in your relationships, find yourself in an unhealthy dysfunctional relationship, you should ask yourself some hard questions:  What is the purpose of this unhealthy relationship?  What is my lesson?  I would love to hear your thoughts on unhealthy relationships and how you have overcome this situation.

Remember – You do not have to be a victim any longer, like all of us, you are a survivor of this wild and precious world and you deserve to know it.

unhealthy relationships