Psychic Blog

Are Psychics mind readers? (Updated 2019)

Posted on September 10, 2019 by Psychic Zen

are psychics mind readers?

Are Psychics Mind readers?

Do psychics have the ability to read you and other peoples minds without your permission or without you asking? Psychics are not mind readers, they cannot tell everything about you at any given moment without your permission.

Your spirit guides, or guardian angels may reach out to a psychic if they are unable to get their messages across to you. If you do not want a psychic getting information that way, simply tell your guides not to do that.

That is why you need to let the psychic reader know what you want your reading to focus on. They may need a name, topic, or questions from you, because they are not mind readers. Psychics and mind readers are similar in ways, but not exactly the same. Psychics can read thoughts, feelings, and give people predictions about the future.

Psychics do not know every single thing you think, feel and every thought you have. Mind readers may be able to tell what kind of ice cream you ate an hour ago, but a psychic most likely would not.   Think about how many thoughts you have in one day, and in your lifetime. T he information is far too vast.

Ethical Psychic Practices

Ethical psychics don’t want to be mind readers anyway. Ethical psychic readers want to help, not hurt you.  Ethical psychic readers will not take it upon themselves to find out private, secret information about you or anyone else unless asked or given permission.

Ethical psychics do not want to invade your privacy or anyone else’s. If you ask a psychic a question, they will do their best to use their gifts to find you an accurate answer. If you don’t, ethical psychics don’t and won’t poke around in other peoples business. Many people try to test psychics by telling them to be mind readers and that is not the way psychic gifts always work.

Many psychics get information from spirit guides, tarot cards, or through clairvoyant, clairaudient or empathic gifts. Those gifts focus more on the past, predictions about the future, and feelings. Not what number you are thinking in your head at the moment. Mind readers are not able to predict the future, they only read what is on a persons mind.

A psychic reader has a lot more valuable information to give, such as predictions, outcomes, and warnings. Since you already know what is on your mind and what you are thinking, a mind reader may not be what you really need for guidance.

If you want to know about feelings, what your next best path to take is, or what future outcomes you will face if changes are not made presently, a psychic reader is better for you than a mind reader.

Phone Psychic Readings

Posted on September 22, 2014 by Zenory


 A live phone psychic reading is a powerful way to get answers to your burning questions about your love life, whether you will find your soulmate and so much more.  As we assist you in gaining clarity in areas such as healing, romance, career advice or what the future holds for you, our specialised and gifted psychics are available via our high-quality phone call service.

Our gifted psychics are here for you whenever you want to place a call.  It is so convenient to reach us, without even having to step out of the house.  You can call on a home phone, cell phone or office phone; choose the most convenient method for you.

After you sign up with ZENORY your phone calls are kept completely private.  This gives you the ability to speak openly with your psychic to get those important answers you crave.  When you register with us, you list the phone number that you want to use for the calls and then we will connect you with the psychic of your choice.  You are charged per minute once we connect you to your chosen psychic, and you can talk for as long as you want day or night.

Our psychics are friendly and welcoming, with caring and compassionate personalities.  We find clarity in the situations that you want to know more about.  Now is the time to seek out answers to your most pressing questions.  We have excellent psychic skills and a sort after range of quality and experience to help guide and aide you through your spiritual journey.  Simply click  “Online Psychics” to see the profiles of our psychics and find the psychic reader that fits your preferences. For tips for your first psychic reading and how to choose the best psychic reader for you click here for more info

Phone psychic readings are rewarding in so many ways.  What you learn in the calls can help you to heal.  The calls also assist you in coming to terms with the past or preparing for the future, as you connect to amazing spiritual energy in your phone psychic readings.  You will feel a powerful sense of control after the phone psychic reading is done.  The valuable answers you gain by talking to our expert psychics help you to make knowledgeable decisions and to gain insights into the world around you.

Call us to learn about relationship issues, financial problems, romantic inquiries or career-related matters.  Our psychic advice and suggestions are only a phone call away.  We look forward to helping you today!