Psychic Blog

5 Tips For Your First Psychic Reading

Posted on January 4, 2015 by Psychic Ruby

5 ways to find closure after a breakup

5 Tips For Your First Psychic Reading

Thousands of people have experienced a psychic reading, but for some of you this could be your first time.  Perhaps a first time getting an online psychic reading.  Either way we have gathered some great tips for your first psychic reading that can offer you some handy pointers before you take that first leap.

1. Gather your Questions

Think about the questions you would like to ask during your psychic reading. Write your questions down in order of importance before your session begins this way you will not forget anything you wanted your psychic reading to focus on.  

The order of importance helps make sure your most important questions are answered first.  

When you see how much information you would like your session to cover,  it also can give you an idea of how much time your psychic reading would require.

2. Choosing your Psychic Reader

Take the time to choose the right psychic reader.  We have arranged our psychics in categories of topics/areas of expertise and by psychic gift such clairvoyant psychics, empathic, psychic medium, tarot readers.  

This can help you choose the best psychic reading style and the area your questions (such as love and relationships advice or career advice) cover.  Read through the listing of each psychic to learn more about them. 

Their experience, specialties, gifts and tools used during your psychic reading to help you select the right advisor for you.  Take the time to read the reviews via our feedback channel so you can benefit from other clients experiences.  

3. Find a quiet space

Create a quiet atmosphere.  Turn off the television and any music.  Remove any distractions and get comfortable.

Try and relax before getting a psychic reading if possible.  It is understandable that in times of stress clients often contact a psychic reader for assistance.

The stress you are feeling can be pick up on by the psychic and overpower your reading. A few deep breaths can be a big help in clearing away the stress and negative energy.

4. Be Aware

Never fall victim to psychic scams.  At Zenory we do not allow or tolerate our readers to sell spells, candle magic, aura cleansing, curses or their removal.  

Do not allow a psychic to take you off-site.  Please refer to our readers guidelines and psychic quality for more information in regards to our ethics, and professional practice. 

5. Too many Psychic Readings

Too many psychic readings with too many different readers in too short a period of time is not a good practice.  We understand you may need to try a few psychics to see which ones you like and connect with best and there is nothing wrong with that.  

When a client speaks with numerous psychic readers about the same exact situation with the same exact question can result in conflicting and confusing readings.  If that occurs, it is best to allow at least a few days for the energies to clear before you get another psychic reading.